March Unlocks

Turn concepts into refined projects with two new features.
Written by
Chelsea Flintoft
Published on
September 18, 2024
March Unlocks

🔓 March's Monthly Unlocks 

While January and February ushered in features that supported the designers upstream workflow: concepts, space planning, specifying, collaborating and presenting their work; March rounds out the entire design process with two new features that give designers the ability to turn concepts into refined projects.


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Projects in Canvas

With projects designers can now easily organize and manage the technical aspects of the design process right next to their designs! Create a project scope within canvas and start tracking budgets, schedules, milestones, technical specifications and carbon footprint.  

Why use Projects?

Add a Project into your Canvas in order to capture and easily present the following information:

  • The Project's Name
  • Furniture Specification Schedules
  • Address information with a live Google Maps view of your Project's location
  • Gross Area sq ft
  • Plannable Area sq ft
  • Total Budget
  • Carbon Estimate
  • The percentage of second-life items you are designing with
  • Cost per Square Foot
  • Milestone Dates in a timeline format


Excited about this, so are we!


Areas in Canvas

Now, with the addition of Areas, you can start to break down your project and floor plan with smart areas that capture programming, square footage, and make your existing furniture schedules more detailed and searchable.

Why use Areas?

  • Define areas of your floor plan with a rectangle or a polyline, creating zones
  • Ability to merge Areas for Projects and furniture schedules
  • Name the Area for better organization
    • When Areas have the same name, they will merge together into the same furniture schedule
  • Define fill color and opacity and outline styling
  • Dynamic metrics
    • Square footage
    • Cost per sf
  • Search products included in the Area
  • Create a pre-filtered Schedule from an Area
  • Create a pre-filtered Project from an Area

Learn More Here

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